If you’re struggling with chronic constipation, you’re not alone. In India, more than 40% population is suffering from the constipation problem. Minor health problems like constipation might turn out to be “more serious” if it is left untreated. Most of the people with constipation have straining problems during defecation. The muscle involved in passing stool does not coordinate correctly with the anal sphincter, also known as Dyssynergic defecation. At Kaizen Gastro Care, Dr. Rupali Bandgar-Jankar has taken an effective approach to chronic constipation treatment i.e. Anorectal Biofeedback Training. These conditions can be diagnosed with anorectal manometry with a Balloon expulsion test or defecography.
It involves treatment programs utilizing instrument-based and neuromuscular conditioning techniques to train muscle functions. As a result, regular bowel movements could be effectively and sustainably obtained and constipation can be sequentially relieved. If you are suffering from a constipation problem and not getting any relief from laxatives, drugs, or churns then you need to go for an alternative option of anorectal Biofeedback Training treatment for constipation Problem. At Kaizen Gastro Care, Dr. Rupali Bandgar-Janakr offers biofeedback therapy – a non-invasive, drug-free approach to help you overcome constipation and reclaim your digestive health. If you have been suffering chronic constipation long time then consult Dr. Rupali Bandgar-Jankar for Further treatment.
“Constipation is a symptom, not a disease”
When the bowel movement is disrupted and is uncommon, the resulting stool is hard to pass. This condition is termed constipation. The Chronic Constipation Task Force from the American College of Gastroenterology defines chronic constipation as: “unsatisfactory defecation characterized by infrequent stool, difficult stool passage or both at least for previous 3 months.”
Constipation is mainly divided into main categories
For any chronic constipation, you can visit our experts to get rid of the problem. You must visit constipation experts at Kaizen Gastro Care if you have anything mentioned below.
If you are dealing with one or more of these symptoms, then you must consult our expert Dr. Rupali Bandgar-Jankar for effective treatment.
Chronic constipation in the long run can cause an array of complications. These include hemorrhoids ( Piles ), Fissure, Rectal Prolapse, Faecal Impaction, Sigmoid Volvulus etc. Apart from these, constipation hampers one’s sense of well-being and vitality, indirectly affecting the hormonal and immune systems. Studies are on to find if a link exists between chronic constipation and colorectal cancer.
If you’re a patient with severe or chronic constipation, will be ordered some tests to evaluate for potential causes. These tests may include:
Anorectal Manometry offers several benefits, including:
Treatment for improper straining is biofeedback therapy. The expectations for this approach are that people can pass stools with minimal or no laxative use and without digital stimulation. Biofeedback training allows patients to perceive their characteristics of fecal straining in real time by watching the visual feedback on the monitor and their muscle activity while bearing down. They will learn to remember the feeling of how to strain correctly, which requires learning time, and patients need to continue practicing at home. The training takes 45 – 60 minutes per session, not longer than 1 – 2 weeks apart, for at least 6 – 8 times. A tube used in Biofeedback has the same size as a catheter used in an anorectal manometry, which is 4 – 6 millimeters wide and no deeper than 10 centimeters. Biofeedback can be used to treat patients with rectal hypotension as well.
Biofeedback therapy mainly focuses on solving fecal straining problems, which are present in as much as 40% of people with constipation. However, in constipated people with not just straining problems but also gastrointestinal hypomotility and other disorders, after the straining issues are alleviated, there may still be a need to continue taking some types of laxatives to help with the contraction of the intestine or softening the stools for better bowel movement, which will allow patients to strain properly without passing out in a toilet, and lessen a feeling of incomplete evacuation and the urge for a digital rectal stimulation. Eventually, patients will spend less time on bowel movements.
Dr. Rupali Bandgar-Jankar at Kaizen Gastro Care’s highly specialized doctors offer trusted medical advice and expert care for Constipation. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our best gastrophysiologist in Pune if you’re experiencing symptoms of constipation. For more information about our comprehensive treatment options, or to request an appointment with the best Gastroenterologist in Pune call 9763635252
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